Select the AI design you like the most
After a short loading time, our AI design generator creates 4 different designs using AI based on your chosen keywords and/or effects. You now have two options: if you find one of the AI designs appealing, you can select it. If it's not quite what you're looking for, then adjust your keywords. Perhaps you want a more colorful design and add the word 'colorful'. Or maybe the current keywords aren't suitable, and you want to change them all. Anything is possible! The AI design generator is completely free and can be used as often as you like.
Tip from ShirtUp!: Keep in mind that the AI design generator never generates the same design, even if you use the same words. Each design is truly one-of-a-kind!
Do you let the AI design generator create new variations or stick with your choice?
Suppose you've selected an AI design, but you're not entirely satisfied with it. Then you can have our AI design generator generate 4 new variations. However, there are a few things to consider.
Firstly, designing with AI is always unpredictable. Sometimes the differences between the variations are significant, such as a different color or a completely different facial expression. But it can also happen that the differences are minimal. The AI design generator only generates 4 variations once. If you're still not satisfied afterward, you'll need to start over. Secondly, once you choose to generate 4 new variations, you can no longer select your original AI design.
These are important considerations in this step of the design process. Therefore, take your time to decide whether you want to place your original AI design on a T-shirt or another product, or if you want the generator to create other options.
Finalize your AI design and get it printed!
Once you're completely satisfied with your AI design, you can place it on your item. But that's not all. You can further edit the image from our AI design generator. For example, you can choose a filter, remove the background, and crop the design. Want to center your AI design in the middle? Then enable the guidelines in our design tool.
As you can see, our AI design generator is very easy to use. You can create as many AI designs as you want and experiment endlessly. Opt for something completely different and generate unique, one-of-a-kind designs using AI!